Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The "Tea Party" scares me...but I used to love them as a child.

It frightens me that there is a contingency in this nation that is large enough to bring Michele Bachmann to the head of the class in National politics.  She is a hypocrite. Bachmann bashes welfare, but her husbands clinic, the main source of financial support for the family, receives welfare payments - medicaid, etc. for their patients that are unable to meet the financial burdens of treatment.  So, if I am gay and want to be "cured", welfare is okay.  If I am a single mom with a sick kid that works 2 jobs and still lives at or just above the poverty line, I am a welfare whore... is that how it works, Michele?  Well, guess what?  You're wrong!

Yes, there are people that abuse the system.  Yes, improvements can and should be made to reduce fraud and overall costs.  However, destroying a system that lends a helping hand in a time of need is not American, and it certainly isn't Christian.  I have heard MN State GOPers claim that the answer should lie in the hands of the community, not the state, to reduce the burden on the poor and middle-class.  Well, I am calling "bullshit."  Churches are seeing more people at the doors and few dollars in tithing.  The middle-class and poor simply do not have the money to give as they used to.  Churches, in turn, have to work with less to help more people.  So, who steps up in the community?  80% of the time or more it will be the working class, female neighbor that steps in to run errands for the person in need down the street.  She loses quality time with her own family, money in gas, etc.  Let's be honest, when was the last time a member from the wealthy family up the street personally leant time to the community?  Again, they put the burden back on the very group (middle-class) that the GOP claims to have concerns for.

There are 7,700 people in the State of Minnesota that would receive the tax increase that is being proposed by Governor Dayton.  There are currently 25,800 CHILDREN living below the poverty line in MN.  Something in those numbers seems unbelievably wrong.  These numbers do not represent a state that has its priorities in order.  What the Hell are we doing leaders?  Not just GOP, but DFL as well.  There are reasonable GOPers that are putting their names and desires to find compromise out there.  WORK WITH THEM!!!  It is clear that Sen. Koch and Rep. Zellers simply do not care about what is right and are solely focused on the 2012 election.  Go to the GOPers that actually care what happens to the people of Minnesota and work this out.  Minnesota is counting on you.

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/07/08/michele-bachmann-rick-san_n_893523.html - the "Marriage Vow" petition; the videos on the left side of the page are pretty good too.  Bachmann trying to explain away her misinformation and Whoopi Goldberg going off on the "Marriage Vow".

http://www.thefamilyleader.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/themarriagevow.final_.7.7.111.pdf - The actual "Marriage Vow" the candidates are being asked to sign.

Back to Michele and Marcus - how wonderful it must be to live in a big, glass house that is apparently stone-proof.  As a Minnesotan, I am grateful that you have been so ineffective in representing our state at a national level.  Thank God for small favors!  As a lesbian that has been happily coupled for nearly 15 years, thank God I went to Hazelden and not Bachmann & Associates for treatment for my addictions.  I can't imagine getting through the last year, one of the toughest of my life, without my wife and best friend.  This is one proud lesbian that is so happy I have never had a personal encounter with either of you.  Your public life of judgment and hatred disturb me.  Your religious pronouncements remind me of a Ghandi quote: "I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians.  Your Christians are so unlike your Christ."  I am a child of God, just like you.  He loves us the same, without condition.  Stop spreading the hatred, lies and misinformation.  That is not what an elected official is elected to do.

My request: can everyone just take a couple of days to play nicely in the sandbox, like we all did when we were 5.  Remember what it was like to view everyone as a friend, without labels; just work it out.  If it helps, use a phrase that a brilliant young man shared with the group last night at AA: "The God in me sees the God in you."  Such a great place for all of us to start.

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