Monday, September 20, 2010

I'm an addict and alcoholic

Me looking up at the tree I was under.
Hi, Mr. Ant.
Well, it's not like I didn't know that.  I mean, I spent 28 days at Hazelden in Center City and 6 weeks in Hazelden's outpatient program in St. Paul (not to mention the AA meetings).  However, today was my 90th day of sobriety and I almost gave it away this morning.  Yeah, I don't get it either.

My wife has bronchitis and was prescribed cough syrup with codeine.  I checked under her pillow to see if it was still there, even though she said she was taking it with her.  Why?  I have no idea.  Luckily, it wasn't there.  But, what if it had been?  What if I had found it?  Would I have taken it?  I just don't know.  I would like to think I would not have taken it.  I haven't been having cravings or anything like that.  I have learned that my mind works differently.  From a clinical standpoint, I understand that I have a disease that I cannot control and that there are no medications that will help alleviate it.  I believe what I have learned at Hazelden and in AA - the one thing that will help is through my relationship with my Higher Power.
                              Pretty Bee!
Another Pretty Bee!
My Higher Power is God.  However, my God is not a human shape.  My God is nature.  Sometimes it is a bee.  Sometimes it is spider building it's web.  Sometimes it is a flower or the way the sun hits a tree.  When I pray, I am having a conversation with the Spirit of all that is surrounding me.  I have developed a stronger love of photography that I even had before because of my increased awareness of all that surrounds me.
Our place at sunset.
I need to say my prayers now so I am calling it a night.  I have decided to make my wife a gift for our first wedding anniversary (though we have been together almost 14 years).  I am excited because I get to get my creativity out.  YAY!  I will let you know if she likes it.

A YouTube moment that always brings a smile to my face:  Dramatic Chipmunk

In closing, I leave you with this thought from my Caribou Coffee: "Be a hero, minus the dorky cape."

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