Sunday, September 12, 2010

I am impatient about becoming patient.

I feel myself embracing serenity just a little more each day.  However, I recognize the irony of me being impatient to become a patient person.  I mean, seriously, what is my problem?  Why must everything be RIGHT NOW for me.

I am grateful that I am growing.  I am grateful for the self-knowledge I have obtained thus far.  I am hopeful and excited about everything else that life will be throwing at me - good and bad.  I need to remember that it is not all about me and be okay with that.  I also need to remind myself that the Serenity Prayer slows me down so I should take time to say it throughout the day.  My new mantra: I can't.  S/He can.  I'll let Her/Him.  I need to work with God and allow Her/Him to guide me and stop attempting to influence God.  I will get there...eventually.

So, need a good laugh (and who doesn't)?  This one gets me every time!
"Penguins love ice cream!" 

I close with a random thought from my Caribou Coffee cup: "Kiss slowly and forgive quickly."  May we each remember that during our next fight with a loved one.

Love you!

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